Part01: Get your free domain for site

1.Go to Github, Sign up for Github, enter your email, and follow the site’s directions:

github signup

github signup

2.Now you have your Github account, go and create a new repository:

Up-Right-Image => My repositories => New

create repository

create repository

3.Name your repository, click public, check add

name repository

4.After you have created, write something in your file, commit the changes

write in

Now is the important part

5.go to settings => pages => and select “main” source dropdown according to the Image instruction

open gh pages

6.Click Choose theme and choose a theme you like

create github pages

7.Now, Wait for a few minutes for the green box you seen at instruction 5, don’t forget to refresh!

Next blog I will talk about how to make a website with headers, titles, etc. with markdown

Video Instructions:

Or watch on bilibili here

Comment here


From: Henry

Title: 5-Star rating!

Details: This is really good! I almost learned it! Still working on! 5 star!
