Finale: Encrypting and Decrypting Files


1. Import the reciptent’s key, like last class

2. Open a command line interface, like terminal, bash, cmd etc. And change to the file’s directory

3. Use gpg --encrypt -r "Public_Key's_EMAIL_HERE" "FILE_NAME"

4. The result will be a .gpg file, send the .gpg file to reciever, and you are done!


1. Save the .gpg file you recieved to your locals

2. Open a command line tool, like terminal,bash,cmd, etc. and change to the file’s directory

3. Use gpg "file_name_with_.gpg"

4. Open the newly created file, and read the secret message!

This is the finale of the series, so this series will be ended. Next series we are going to learn Git throughtly!

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