Part04: Adding things to github

In the last few lessons, we have successfully learned about connecting to github and initializing a repository.

Today we will be studying about adding things to your empty git repository.

branching to prepare for adding

The prerequisites of everything is opening git bash

Use code in git bash

git branch "branch_name"
git checkout "branch_name_you_just_entered_above"

Therefore, you are ready to give changes to your repository

Creating a file or folder

To create a folder, use the code in git bash: mkdir "folder_name" be sure the “folder_name” does NOT contain spaces.

To create a file, use the code in git bash: touch "file_name" make sure that the file_name does NOT contain spaces.

Adding the file to your repository

Use the following code, please ignore the things after the hashtag #

git add "file_name you just creates" #Adds the file to git index
git commit -m "a_message_or_note_you_have_for_the_change" #commits the file to storage
git push origin main #Updates the remote repository

If you have many files or complicated files to add, you can substitude the first line for git add *

If you have a gpg key, substitude the second line for the code git commit -S -m "a_message_or_note_you_have_for_the_change" #commits the file to storage, but signed

Checking the status of files

Use the code in git bash git status to see, if it says

git status
On branch main
Your branch is up to date with 'origin/main'.
nothing to commit, working tree clean

You have successfully added a file to your repositroy, horray!

Next lesson we are going to be talking about .gitignore files, which can help git to “ignore” some files you don’t want to add.

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